
Krankenversicherung Thailand LUMA Hi5


Hi5 Health Insurance

Health Insurance with 5 million THB coverage per year. Choose your inpatient room limit per day and get access to best hospitals.

Krankenversicherung Thailand für Expats und Rentner


Hi5 Health Insurance

Health Insurance with 5 million THB coverage per year. Choose your inpatient room limit per day and get access to best hospitals in Thailand.

#1   5,000,000 THB
annual limit with high cover options for Inpatient Hospital Room.

#2   Privileged access to top private hospitals
with direct billing services.

#3  Premium made affordable

with deductible options to lower down the premium and family discounts up to 20%.

#4  Easy to pay
by bank transfer, Promptpay/QR Code, credit card or installment, without surcharge nor interest.

#5  More than just an insurance.

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Cover Limit per confinement


Geographical Coverage

different posibilities

IN-patient (Hospitalisation) für Krankehaus Aufenthalte

Full Cover

monthly payment - monatliche Zahlungsweise


OUT-patient für ambulante Behandlungen

NO, special option


for Single Person


Plan A / 1, Plan B / 2

Pre-existing Conditions

Will be checked


until 99 years

THB - Thai Bath


yearly payment - jährliche Zahlungsweise



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Aktuelles Produkt: Krankenversicherung Thailand LUMA Hi5

Hi5 Health Insurance

Health Insurance with 5 million THB coverage per year. Choose your inpatient room limit per day and get access to best hospitals in Thailand.
#1   5,000,000 THB annual limit with high cover options for Inpatient Hospital Room. #2   Privileged access to top private hospitals with direct billing services.
#3  Premium made affordable
with deductible options to lower down the premium and family discounts up to 20%. #4  Easy to pay by bank transfer, Promptpay/QR Code, credit card or installment, without surcharge nor interest.
#5  More than just an insurance.
>>> Here you can enter your data for a direct request to create a quote >>> Hier können Sie Ihre Daten für eine direkte Anfrage zur Erstellung eines Angebotes eingeben
Bewertet mit 0 von 5

Hi5 Health Insurance

Health Insurance with 5 million THB coverage per year. Choose your inpatient room limit per day and get access to best hospitals.
Krankenversicherung Thailand für Expats und Rentner
PlanPlan A / 1, Plan B / 2
Personfor Single Person
Cover Limit per confinement5'000'000
IN-patient (Hospitalisation) für Krankehaus AufenthalteFull Cover
OUT-patient für ambulante BehandlungenNO, special option
monthly payment - monatliche ZahlungsweiseYES
yearly payment - jährliche ZahlungsweiseYES
Accommodation Type-
Annual Limit-
Excess / Deductible per person-
Geographical Coveragedifferent posibilities
Pre-existing ConditionsWill be checked
Renewabilityuntil 99 years
VariationenAge: 50
Cover Limit per confinement: 5'000'000
Geographical Coverage: different posibilities
IN-patient (Hospitalisation) für Krankehaus Aufenthalte: Full Cover
monthly payment - monatliche Zahlungsweise: YES
OUT-patient für ambulante Behandlungen: NO
Person: for Single Person
Plan: Plan A / 1
Pre-existing Conditions: Will be checked
Renewability: until 99 years
THB - Thai Bath: YES
yearly payment - jährliche Zahlungsweise: YES
Age: 50
Cover Limit per confinement: 5'000'000
Geographical Coverage: different posibilities
IN-patient (Hospitalisation) für Krankehaus Aufenthalte: Full Cover
monthly payment - monatliche Zahlungsweise: YES
OUT-patient für ambulante Behandlungen: NO
Person: for Single Person
Plan: Plan B / 2
Pre-existing Conditions: Will be checked
Renewability: until 99 years
THB - Thai Bath: YES
yearly payment - jährliche Zahlungsweise: YES
THB - Thai BathYES
Health Insurance – Luma Thailand – Prime – Plan 2

Luma International Health Insurance for expatriates and local residents

Ensure the peace of mind that comes with a premium international health insurance plan. Luma's health insurance solutions provide families and individuals living in Asia the coverage they need to be fully protected anywhere anytime.

Krankenversicherung Luma >>> Here you can enter your data for a direct request to create a quote >>> Hier können Sie Ihre Daten für eine direkte Anfrage zur Erstellung eines Angebotes eingeben  
Bewertet mit 0 von 5

Choose Luma for your Health Insurance in Thailand

Enjoy an effortless health insurance in Thailand experience with Luma.

Age65 - 69
Personfor Single Person
Cover Limit per confinement-
IN-patient (Hospitalisation) für Krankehaus Aufenthalte-
OUT-patient für ambulante Behandlungen-
monthly payment - monatliche Zahlungsweise-
yearly payment - jährliche Zahlungsweise-
Accommodation Type15,000 per day
Annual Limit227208.00
Excess / Deductible per person30000.00 IP per Year
Geographical CoverageWorldwide excl. US, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, JP, HK, Bahamas, CN, Russia, UK, SG, Taiwan, Brazil
Pre-existing Conditions-
Renewabilityup to 99 years old
THB - Thai Bath-
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